Season: A letter to the future tasks you with cataloguing the world, before things change

Season: A letter to the future tasks you with cataloguing the world, before things change

One of the most interesting games shown off during the recent State of Play was that of Season: A letter to the future, in which the season is coming to an end and when it does things will change. You play as Estelle the first person to leave her village, in order to document the world, before the season comes to an end.

Document, photograph, and record life. Through a solitary bicycle journey, form your own memories, your own vision of the world around you. Your goal? Protect these treasures from being forgotten. Your quest will lead you to discover a new world; unknown, yet familiar. You will be immersed in different societies that will make you discover the mysteries of the world of Season; a surreal version of the mid-twentieth century, where thousands of years have passed without any progress. Find out what caused the last collapse and what might cause the next one…

The game is coming to both PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 later this year, but there is no firm date beyond Spring 2022