AMD Extends Their Free Star Wars Battlefront Offer

Anyone who is in the market for a new graphics card should keep an eye out on the AMD Radeon R9 Fury and R9 Fury X, as they come with a copy of Star Wars Battlefront for free, what is even better is that the promotion has been extended from its January 31 deadline to March 31, with redemption possible until April 30.

The deal is currently available from the following local e-tailers and retailers in Australia and New Zealand: Com1, Origin, Mwave, PCCG, MSY, PB Tech, Playtech, PLE, Centrecom, Leader, Scorptec, Dove and Umart.

If you have bought a card, or plan to, you can redeem the code you get here, where you will also find all the extra information you might want to know.