Disney Infinity Gets New Characters And Powerdiscs

Disney have announced that the latest round of characters for Disney Infinity 3.0 are now available in stores and feature the coolest Sith in the Galaxy, the most evil robot created, the largest suit of power armor ever and one heck of a cute boy.

Darth Maul, Ultron, Hulkbuster and Spot are all available now for purchase and alongside Spot is the Power Disc pack for The Good Dinosaur, which brings in Arlo, Butch, Nash and Ramsey into the Toy Box for you to use as you explore.

In case you were not aware of who the characters are, which is likely true for Spot, here are brief character bios:

ULTRON: Ultron, the world’s most advanced robot and maniacal Super Villain, will stop at nothing to destroy humanity and their protectors, the mighty Avengers. With the ability to summon duplicate robotic sentries, the character uses magnetic pull followed by a powerful blast of energy to defeat his foes.

HULKBUSTER: Hulkbuster, the mega-sized armor created by Tony Stark, combines the incredible force of Hulk with the tech capabilities of Iron Man.  A brute tank, Hulkbuster’s powerful combo attacks are great at dealing with nearby groups of enemies while his Thruster Dash makes up for his lack of overall speed, allowing him to close distance with targets easily.  Missiles, thrusters for flight and a suit-integrated tractor beam complement this powerhouse.

DARTH MAUL: The deadly Darth Maul uses his double-bladed Lightsaber and dark side Force powers in death-defying duels against his enemies.

SPOT: Spot is a wild, tough and tenacious human boy who thinks and acts like a dog. Using his hands, feet and teeth he keeps enemies at bay.

Spot is only available to use within the Toy Box, Darth Maul will work in both currently released Star Wars playsets upon collection of his coin and Hulkbuster and Ultron will work in the upcoming Marvel Battlegrounds playset.