Battleborn Details Its Competitive Multiplayer

On stage at the PlayStation Press Event for Paris Games Week, 2K Games and Gearbox announced that Battleborn would start its open beta first on PlayStation 4 and to celebrate that, a new trailer and details about the game were release.

Battleborn’s team-based competitive multiplayer action can be experienced by up to 10 players online in 5v5 matches, and includes three distinct multiplayer modes.

  • Capture: Teams of heroes face off in a fast-paced death match and must capture and hold objectives on the map to win.
  • Meltdown: Teams of heroes must guide their minions as they march to their death at the center of the map. Points are scored for every minion who throws themselves into the incinerator, and the team with the most points wins.
  • Incursion: Teams of heroes must defend their base from waves of AI-controlled minions while working together alongside their own minions to destroy their opponent’s base. 
Tutorial videos for all three modes can be found on the official Battleborn blog.

On the heels of this news, 2K and Gearbox also revealed ISIC, the powerful spirit-mech, as a new playable character that is one the game’s 25 playable heroes. Once the lead manufacturing Magnus of Minion Robotics, ISIC abandoned his post to crash reality itself through the application of unthinkably complex code. Though debugged by Kleese, this Magnus is still regarded as among the most nihilistic and terrifying of the Battleborn. 

Anyone attending PAX Australia 2015 will be able to go hands on with the PVP mode on the show floor.