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E3 2014 - Astro A38 Bluetooth Headset Ears On

One of the cool things about E3 is the chance to see things that not directly related to video games. Sure there are people selling things for gaming business’ but there are also companies selling hardware that can be used for all manner of purposes; Astro was one such company.

Astro and Skullcandy are very well known names in the field of headphones, they have been creating some of the greatest PC gaming headsets for a few years now, but they started out designing some of the greatest gaming systems, namely the Xbox 360 and the original Alienware PC’s were there handy work. When they turned their focus to headsets, it was not long before the gaming community took notice and they have grown each year since.

At E3 this year Astro were showing off a few of their recently released headsets as well as letting journalists, such as myself, go hands on, well ears on with the new A38 Bluetooth mobile headsets.  These headsets are designed for people who want to listen to their music on the go, but they also offer up a built in microphone for people who want to replace the cheap headphones that come with modern phones.

So what makes these headphones so good, well they are light coming in around half a pound or 220 grams they are insanely light. They also offer up a noise cancelling microphone, which means you get the best of your music without all those outside noises. I know what you are thinking, Bluetooth with noise cancelling, that sounds cool but I don’t want to charge my headphones every 2 hours, well you won’t have too. Astro have stated that in their tests just listening to music you will get around 20 hours of battery life, 15 hours if you use the microphone to talk as well. But if you are a traveller and fly often, then you can also just use the noise cancelling function and you will get 30 hours from the battery.

Syncing them to your device is as simple as it is to sync any other Bluetooth device, so no experts are needed to set them up, in fact the only item that might cause some hesitation is the cost. Coming in around $230 US they are not cheap, but when you think about what you are getting for the money you may just change your mind. This new set is out late July / early August so expect a review soon.