Windjammers 2 brings cross play and more via a new update

Windjammers 2 brings cross play and more via a new update

Dotemu have announced that a new update for Windjammers 2 has been released, which adds two new characters, new mode and cross-play for all versions. Check out the trailer to get the highlights.

The new free update welcomes two new characters, android Jamma GX03 and Polish powerhouse Anna Szalinski. Making her debut into the Flying Power Disc Federation is Jamma GX03, an android whose well-balanced power and speed can rival the best on the court. Major sponsor Todemu created Jamma GX03 to combat a drop in audience numbers, but in doing so their creation promises to herald a new era of competition in the prestigious windjamming sport and she’s already showing promise as a fan-favourite.

Also joining the roster is Polish Anna Szalinski, an orphan who grew up in the circus before running away. Honing her skills as a slower but extremely powerful weightlifter, she is determined to win the cup and use her newfound position in order to defend animals and take revenge on the circuses who mistreat them.

If you want to make sure you get time with the new characters, or an existing one, then be sure to check out the new training mode. With a series of options, there is a lot to enjoy and as they say practice makes perfect.

Perhaps the biggest addition to the game is that now offers up cross-play on all platforms. It isn’t just cross-play, as there are now lobbies, meaning you can play with mates. Join or create a Lobby to play with friends via a password and utilize a variety of settings to create the ultimate frenemy group of jammers. Crossplay allows players on Nintendo Switch and PlayStation jammers to join Steam and Xbox players in online matches.

The update is out for all platforms now, so get ready to chuck that disc once more.