Road 96 Mile 0 has been announced and set to hit the road in April

Road 96 Mile 0 has been announced and set to hit the road in April

Digixart released Road 96 back in 2021 for Switch and PC and caught a lot of attention for the number of choices that could be made, giving a lot of replay value to the game. Turns out they are not quite done with the series yet as they have announced Mile 0, a prequel game to it. Check out the announcement trailer for the game below.

In the game players will alternate between the roles of Zoe and Kaito, two teenagers with different backgrounds and beliefs. They live and explore White Sands, a luxurious condominium where Petria´s elite reside and where Kaito´s parents work.

Zoe is one of the characters of Road 96. She comes from the rich side of the city and her father works for the government. Kaito, a character from Lost in Harmony, lives in the less privileged area. They're good friends, but that could all change quite soon.

In Road 96: Mile 0, we wanted to show where Zoe comes from and why she left her comfortable life. But we didn’t make it the conventional way, we went the crazy road, with metaphorical music sequences where you ride through the beliefs and doubts of Zoe and Kaito. The interesting part is that YOU choose how you want them to evolve.
— Yoan Fanise, CEO of DigixArt

Their journey in Road 96: Mile 0 will challenge their friendship and everything they believe in. They say money doesn’t buy happiness, nor friendship. These teens are dreamers and they are going to learn where they belong. Will they remain friends?

The Xbox Wire has a good bit of extra information, on why the game was made, why these characters and more, so check that out.

As for the game itself, it will arrive on April 4 for PC and Switch, along with PlayStation and Xbox platforms.