New details revealed for Dragon's Dogma 2 from the Capcom Showcase

New details revealed for Dragon's Dogma 2 from the Capcom Showcase

After being announced as in development last year, Capcom revealed the first trailer for Dragon’s Dogma 2 back during the PlayStation Showcase. Today at their own event they provided new details about the sequel 10 years in the making. But first the trailer again, in case you missed it before.

Dragon’s Dogma 2 features a densely detailed world that is about four times the size of the original Dragon’s Dogma. Built with the RE Engine and taking advantage of character AI and physics technology, you’ll be immersed by a reactive and vibrant fantasy world.

Like the first game you can take up to three AI-controlled companions called Pawns to accompany you on an incredible journey. You’ll customize your own Pawn and have the option to hire two additional Pawns from other players. The Pawns you enlist will aid you in the wide variety of different combat situations you’ll encounter on your adventure.
The game will encourage you to think critically and get creative in battle, taking into account how the environment’s realistic physics will inform your choices as a player, as well as how both the advanced AI of your allied Pawns and enemy combatants will respond to the diverse circumstances of the battlefield.

The game doesn’t have a release date but when it does arrive it will hit PlayStation 5, PC and Xbox Series X|S