Get many answers for Stronghold Warlords with the latest video

Get many answers for Stronghold Warlords with the latest video

Firefly have released a massive video that answers some of the communities burning questions and perhaps a few silly ones, check it out below.

This latest video show just how much the developer cares about the community, while I am sure some questions are not given the answers they hoping for, with over 80 questions answered, there is a lot to unpack in it.

“After 20 years designing RTS titles, we have a good feel for what players want from Stronghold,” said Nick Tannahill, Marketing Director at Firefly Studios. “That doesn’t mean we can say yes to everything, but as a handful of devs working with our own engine we can at least try to add some of what the community asks for. Whether that’s something small like removing unit caps or a larger ask like adding a new type of campaign, we can adjust during development and really deliver for the fans who have been supporting us over the last two decades!”

The game is coming to Steam, sometime in mid 2020, but no set date has been released yet.