Meet the Twins in this Far Cry New Dawn live action trailer

We are only a few days away from the release of Far Cry New Dawn, the sequel/expansion to Far Cry 5 and celebrating this, Ubisoft have dropped a live action trailer for the game, check it out.

The trailer takes a closer look at the Twins, the leaders of the Highwaymen, a band of scavengers who in the aftermath a nuclear catastrophe travel from place to place bleeding people dry of all available resources. The plot of the film takes place in a bar that Mickey and Lou decided to visit. This time, it’s the clients of the bar that pay the high price, falling one after another to the blaze of the pistols and the AK-47s that these terrible twins wield with a wicked mastery.

The game is out on February 15th for Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC.