Nanoleaf are set to light up your walls with this new shape

CES 2019 has come and gone for the year, but some firms are still cheering their success, Nanoleaf is one of them. You might recall them as the company that made the triangle shaped lights, which could be arranged on a wall, to create endless patterns, now they are back, but this time the shape has changed.

Now the Nanoleaf light comes in a hexagon shape, allowing for even more custom patterns and designs, but its not just a new shape, the panels now support touch, meaning you can interact directly with them.

Also announced was a canvas mounting grid, allowing you to change your mind on the design you have, without the need to pull the entire thing down and starting again. If all that seems like a bit much, this is going to blow your mind as you can connect and control 500 hexagon nanoleaf's for each control panel.

There is no set release date on them, but they are expected in Q4 this year, so either October 1st or December 31st.