Goodbye Deponia is out now for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One

Daedalic Entertainment have announced that Goodbye Deponia is out now for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, letting console games finish this junk filled tale.

The hits consoles complete with reworked controls making it even easier to make Rufus do crazy things, because in Goodbye Deponia the Organon plans the destruction of Deponia, the lovely Goal has (once again) disappeared, and anti-hero Rufus just can't seem to stop getting in his own way.

All inventor and free spirit Rufus wanted to do was to get off the junkyard planet of Deponia and move to Elysium, the paradise orbiting Deponia as a spaceship reserved for the highest echelons of society. Goal, the ex-Elysian girl that Rufus has fallen head over heels for, still seems to be the key to his endeavor...and to the elevator that will get him to space. Finally, Rufus has come up with a seemingly perfect plan.