Square Enix and DONTNOD have announced that the first chapter of Life is Strange 2 is out now, introducing players to brothers Sean and Daniel.

The story of Life is Strange 2 takes place over the course of a year, as Sean and Daniel try to make their way from Seattle to their fathers’ home town of Puerto Lobos, Mexico.

“We are incredibly happy to finally share this new Life is Strange story of brotherhood and coming of age with the world,” said Raoul Barbet and Michel Koch – Co-Creative Directors of Life is Strange. “We hope fans will embrace our new story and characters with the same passion they showed for the first season.”

Life on the road is difficult and there are many shades of grey; there is never a truly ‘correct choice’, there is only your choice. Daniel is watching your every move, and he is learning from your actions, so consider your decisions carefully!

The key aspect of Life is Strange 2 is this role model dynamic between the brothers. The decisions you make in Episode 1 will have far-reaching consequences and will influence the relationship with Sean’s little brother Daniel over the course of the 5-episode season.