Resident Evil 7 scares up a release on Switch via the cloud

Out of nowhere, Capcom has announced that Resident Evil 7 is coming to Switch, in Japan at least and only via the cloud, but it is coming.

Known as Resident Evil 7 cloud version, the game will be playable, only if you have a stable internet service, as it will stream the entire game from servers, meaning no download for you to the Switch.

Players will have to download a small application from the eShop, which will enable to them to have access to the game, but in order to play the game, a special ticket is required. The ticket is priced at 2000 yen, or roughly $24 AUD and grants players 180 days of access, meaning for the cost of a movie ticket, you could play the entire game.

The game will be the complete version, meaning all of the DLC will be included as well.

There will be a free trial that will last for 15 minutes, giving players a chance to try the game out, before they invest into it, but for now, all of this is Japan only. We have not gotten any indication in either direction if the game will come to the West this way, but only time will tell.

Of course, this now opens up the gates for every game from Capcom to come to Switch, so do you want Monster Hunter World to come over, perhaps something new entirely?