ARMS springs a new update on everyone

With the release of ARMS, Nintendo have kept updating the game with new content and balance fixes and this week they did it again, as we have a new character, new stage and some fixes for the game.

The new fighter Misango joins the roster of characters and he comes with a new stage, Temple Grounds and three new arms.

The new figheter Misango is a skilled fighter who is devoted, to this homeland and the power of Misanga. When he fights, the power of Misanga is shown in the form of the little woven sprites that join beside him and he has joined the fight to prove that Misanga is the best fighting technique.

The new stage, Temple Grouns is an ancient temple, deep in the woods and was built in honour of the Misanga and its great powers. Amidst the gentle sloping grounds, the majestic pillars speak to the history of this location. One thing is clear – many a fight has gone down on these legendary sparring grounds!