Discover The Voices Of Dawn Of War 3

Sega and Relic have released another episode of their For of War series for Dawn of War III, that details more about the voice work that has gone into the game, including insights from the actors bringing the characters to life.

For Dawn of War III, the team went to the United Kingdom, birthplace of the Warhammer universe, to find the most authentic voices possible for each of the characters. The British talent on display is immense, including Gemma Whelan (Game of Thrones), Christopher Fairbank (Guardians of the Galaxy), Alec Newman (Dune, Children of Dune), and Babou Ceesay (Rogue One: A Star Wars Story). Step into the audio booths of Side UK, and meet a few of the talented actors stepping into the shoes of iconic franchise characters, and the audio designers who help their voices shine in-game.

The full game is out next week for PC, so get your mice and keyboards ready.