Xbox Bring Value To Gamers With The Xbox Game Pass

It has happened, one of the big three has finally announced a Netflix style service for video games, Xbox have today announced the Xbox Game Pass, coming in Spring of 2017.

When it releases, players can subscribe to the Xbox Game Pass for $10.95 a month, which gives them access to over 100 titles, that they can play as long as they have an active subscription. The games will rotate around each month, adding new ones to the collection, so there is always going to be something new to play, but to make it even sweeter, players can save 20% on Xbox One game purchases and 10% on all related add-ons, but only while the base game is currently in the catalogue.

You can see some common questions over here, but the one I know most people will want to know is, like Netflix is this a streaming service and the answer is no. Players will choose their game and then download it to the console, Phil Spencer had this to say about it:

One of the best things about Xbox Game Pass is that you can discover and download the full titles directly on your Xbox One. That means continuous, full-fidelity gameplay without having to worry about streaming, bandwidth or connectivity issues.
The program is now in preview for Alpha Xbox One Insider members, which means that if there are problems they are going to see them first. The preview release will only support 20 titles, most of which will be arcade, but when the service launches in full to the broader Xbox community, some of the games include will be: Halo 5: Guardians, Saints Row IV Re-Elected, NBA 2K16, Mad Max, LEGO Batman, Mega Man Legacy Collection, Terraria, Payday 2, Gears of War: Ultimate Edition, SoulCalibur II and Tekken Tag 2.