Online Quickplay Arrives For Rock Band Rivals

Harmonix have announced that Rock Band Rivals today gets an update, bringing with it Online Quickplay, a feature much requested by the community.

Online Quickplay can be accessed via the new “Play Online” option on the Rock Band Rivals home screen. A counter has also been added to the home screen that shows how many friends are currently playing Rock Band 4.

Once players elect to play online they’ll be given the option of accepting an existing invitation or starting their own game session. From there, the player is taken to the Green Room, where the band selects instruments and gameplay options before continuing.

Once everyone’s selected an instrument and declared they’re ready to go, the band is taken to the song selection screen where each player gets to pick one song for a setlist. Only songs that every player owns are displayed in the music library, a feature new to online Rock Band play designed to speed up song selection.

Also coming this week to Rock Band Rivals owners is the free song “S.O.M.P”. What better way to celebrate the release of synchronous online multiplayer than with a brand new rock song recorded by Harmonix developers. And, since songs played in online quickplay count towards Rivals Mode challenges, you can expect to see it appear in a weekly challenge soon.