Winter Wonderland Is Now Happening In Overwatch

Not content with taking over the first person shooter at Halloween, Blizzard have announced that Winter Wonderland is starting now for Overwatch

Overwatch’s standard Loot Boxes have been temporarily replaced with our Winter Loot Boxes and stuffed with holiday-themed items. Winter Loot Boxes can be earned or purchased, and each will contain at least one cosmetic item from our Winter Wonderland collection. If you have your eye on a particular skin, spray, victory pose, emote, voice line, or highlight intro, you can even unlock it with in-game credits.

Mei’s Snowball Offensive is a 6v6, single-elimination brawl featuring everyone’s favourite climatologist—and she has a few new tricks up her fur-lined sleeve. In this brawl, Mei's Endothermic Blaster no longer unleashes a stream of frost or shoots icicles. Instead, it’s been modified to fire a single, super-powered snowball. Taking down an enemy only takes one hit, but a miss can be costly. Once your weapon is empty, your enemies will have the advantage as you search for the nearest snow pile to reload, covering your retreat with ice walls and cryo-freezing to block their attacks. Activating Mei’s Ultimate turns her blaster into a semi-automatic snowball launcher, allowing you to fire continuously as your enemies scatter.

Sadly no Christmas themed items from Australia, but in any case, the Winter Wonderland take over is on now for PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4.