PAX Australia - Full Schedule And Map Released

PAX Australia is just over 2 weeks away, and now the full schedule is now available for all to see, on top of that the full listing of exhibitors is around as well.

First up, lets have a look at the main floor, where attendees will be able to get hands on with the latest from companies like Microsoft, Nintendo, PlayStation, Ubisoft, Bandai Namco and more. If video games are not your cup of tea, then the Table top section is also back in force, this time being moved to closer to the doors.

For those that go to the panels, the full listing of them has been announced as well, including the keynote event by Major Nelson. Storytime with Major Nelson will let players learn a bit about what goes on with the Xbox division of Microsoft, including the live shows they put on for E3, Gamescom and more.

You can find the full schedule for the show right here, including tournament listings and for those that want the full map, you can get that here. For now though, I will see you at the show.