Trials of the Blood Dragon Mixes Two Incredibly Crazy Games And It Looks Awesome

After perhaps the strangest E3 introduction since Konami, Ubisoft have announced Trials of the Blood Dragon, which mixes the world of Trials and the insane 80's action inspired elements of Blood Dragon.

Trials of the Blood Dragon expands the notorious motocross platforming gameplay of Trials into a full narrative-driven adventure. Players will journey through 30 missions spanning seven different worlds, from Vietnam War 4 to Space and even Hell.

Traversing through these unique worlds, players will be using a range of gravity-defying vehicles, weapons and tools from bikes to jetpacks; plasma rifle and CD launcher; and a grappling hook to get over and through anything they need to. With Trials of the Blood Dragon, there are also narrative-driven objectives supported by a colorful cast of characters along the journey.