I Am Setsuna Arrives This July

Square Enix announced at PAX East over the weekend that the first title from their newly formed studio, Tokyo RPG Factory, I Am Setsuna will see a release in Australia on PlayStation 4 and PC on July 19th.

I Am Setsuna tells the sorrowful story of Setsuna; a young woman of incredible inner strength and the sacrifice she must undertake to the save the people of her land. As Setsuna leaves with her two safeguards for the farthest land, players will be immersed in an emotional and unforgettable story of true bravery. Two new pieces of artwork were also released, which reveal the heroine Setsuna in more detail, as well as Endir, another of the title’s main playable characters. Endir is a skilled mercenary, whose destiny is changed upon meeting Setsuna. Endir embarks with Setsuna as one of her safeguards on her dangerous journey to the farthest land. 

I Am Setsuna offers beautiful art and game design that harks back to JRPG classics of yesteryear, and includes various features inspired by legendary titles from the golden era of JRPGs, such as Chrono Trigger’s memorable battle system