E3 2015 - All The Links You Could Need

E3 has come and gone for the year and even now, there are still trickles of news coming out, a small interview here and there, some videos and hands on, but for the most part the gaming world has gone quiet, until a few weeks from now when Gamescom starts up in Germany. I was lucky enough to be able to go to E3 again, for the second year in a row and in order to ensure that you can find what you want, here is a handy list of everything I experienced at the show.

Press Events

An E3 Press Conference, Media Showcase, whatever you want to call it these days, is crucial to the show, it gives the home console makers and some of the larger third parties a chance to get all their news out of the way, before the rush of the show starts. This year the show started a little early with Bethesda hosting their first ever Press event and they kicked it off with a bang. 

Hands On

Of course, no matter how cool a press event is, the chance to go hands on with games is what sends some people into fits of joy and sometimes tears, Here is a complete list of things I had the chance to go hands on with at E3 2015.

Developer Demos

Of course for all the games I could play, there were some I could not, for what reason I don't know, but in any case, these are all impressive games.