MX vs. ATV Supercross Encore Speeding To Console Later This Year

Nordic Games today announced that MX vs. ATV Supercross Encore will come to Xbox One and PlayStation 4 later this year.

“We are excited to move forward to the current generation with MX vs. ATV Supercross Encore” comments Roger Joswig, Producer at Nordic Games. “We prepared a lot of exclusive and new stuff for this version and hope that players enjoy the fully loaded version as much as we do.“
The game will come with the content found in the last generation versions, but will now also come with 12 Outdoor Nationals tracks from MX vs. ATV Alive, as well as 2 Open World environments from MX vs. ATV Alive which means that Free Ride is also here, allowing for players to go where they want.

“Today, we’re happy to announce Supercross Encore is coming to the latest generation of consoles. The power of these new systems means: more detailed bikes, brand new gear with high res textures, other graphic improvements, as well as a higher frame rate for a more fluid feel. We’re excited to bring our newest instalment of MX vs. ATV to our fans,” said Ken George, Executive Producer at Rainbow Studios.