E3 2015 - Super Mario Maker Hands On

Super Mario Maker had a second showing at E3, but I think there is little I can say about the game that most people would not already know, instead you should watch the finals of the Nintendo World Championships, this will help show what the game can do.

Though my time with the game was short, I was able to create a level that was ok, a few platforms, some jumps, a cannon that shot out a green koopa, simple elements really that when placed together still felt like a Mario game. Of course I played a number of levels that were pre-made, some of which were easy and others quite challenging, but all fun.

Super Mario Maker is a game that needs to be played to be understood, the construction of the world is so simple that anyone can create things with ease, but the fact that the game support four game designs and their playstyles is the impressive part. September can’t come soon enough for me to get hands on with this game in depth.