I vividly recall sitting down with the first Rainbow Six game, planning my route for insertion and selecting the right members for each team and then going forward and hoping I was successful, so learning that the series was continuing with Siege.

It was announced last year at E3 so to learn it was coming this year I was happy, but then to be able to sit down and play the game, my excitement levels went through the roof. It was something that I enjoyed immensely and for good reasons, after playing three rounds of the game, things worked really well for the duration of the game and I walked away thinking, if the game did not have anything other than multiplayer, that would be ok.

For the session we had, we had three rounds, in the first round we were the attackers and we had to locate the hostages, which in this case were some dummies as the opposing team were more members of Rainbow. The location was Hereford base in England and there was a large multi-storied building in the centre and some open spaces around the outside. At the start of the round, we were given some time to send out little drones out in order to determine where the enemy were placing their traps and blockades, but more important we could learn where the hostages were.

Once that time was up, it was go time for our team and in we went, I followed another member of my team for a bit, until I pushed in front. As I had a shield, it made sense for me to be in front and take any damage head on, which proved to be a wise move as there was an enemy down the stairs who tried to take us down, but he realised it was futile pretty quick and pushed back, sadly my team mate did not think to hang back and ran forward only to be taken out. As members of each time kept dropping, the result was decided between me and my shield and pistol and the enemy and his large assault rifle, but as I was conserving my shots and they were not, I managed to get them on the reload and won the round for our team.

The next two rounds saw us swap to the defenders and then back to the attackers, which we lost and won respectively. For defending, we had time to lay down traps and block paths, which was interesting as the character type I selected was throwing down barbed wire, but it seems the might barbed wire was no match as they got in from another location and I fell soon after. When we were attacking again, we won, but it was not an easy victory, but the fun was still there, it seemed that the counter of remaining players on each time would drop by 1 on one side and then the other and it did that until the end of the match.

With TerroHunt returning, I don’t know if the game will have any single player content yet, as in a story, but I would be ok with that, for now at least. Rainbow Six Siege is a worthy addition to the Rainbow Six legacy and when I can get some more hands on time with the game, I shall do that.