AMD Unveils 6th Generation A-Series Processor

AMD have announced its latest A-Series CPU, which is designed to excel at today’s and tomorrow’s consumer and business applications, delivering premium streaming entertainment, unmatched smooth online gaming, and innovative computing experiences, with all day unplugged performance.

What this means is that you will be able to run a notebook device at home and play games with high quality visuals and performence, stream HD content without issue and more, thanks to the power the CPU provides.

“The notebook remains the ideal, versatile, connected hub in people’s lives – the one device that does it all and does it well, and today’s consumer shouldn’t have to pay a premium to enjoy high quality streaming video, superior online gaming, and powerful content management as mainstays of today’s computing experience,” said Matt Skynner, corporate VP and general manager, Products at AMD. “That changes today with the 6th Generation AMD A-Series Processor, designed to deliver exceptional experiences never before seen in a mainstream notebook, truly making innovation available to everyone. Our partners have plans to introduce our 6th-generation APU in many of today’s most innovative notebook platforms, demonstrating the full potential of the APU’s capabilities.”

“AMD and Microsoft continue to innovate in personal computing with advancements in Windows® 10 and DirectX® 12 and the introduction today of AMD 6th Generation A-Series processors,” said Roanne Sones, general manager, Partner & Customer Engagement, OSG, Microsoft Corp. “Consumers will enjoy the most compelling features of Windows® 10, enabling a great notebook experience.”

The new processor will start arriving in machines this June. If you want to know more about it, be sure to hit up the AMD site.