OlliOlli tearing up digital concrete in March

Curve Digital has today announced that OlliOlli is coming to Xbox One, Wii U and Nintendo 3DS in March.

Today, we’re stoked to announce that our versions of Roll7’s totally dope trick-em-up OlliOlli will be hitting Xbox One, 3DS and Wii U consoles in mid-march.

Here at Curve, we like to maintain a constant skate-or-die mentality. We all kickflip out of bed, grind downstairs and skitch a ride to the office Marty McFly style. You could say that we're serious about skating. Genuine about grinding. Honest about… heel flips?

So while we polish our Nintendo and Xbox versions of OlliOlli to the highest possible standard, we’ve been keeping it all to ourselves. But we don’t want to leave you guys waiting any longer.

That's why we have settled on a mid-March release for all versions of the game. The Nintendo 3DS, Wii U and Xbox One versions will all land on the same week (currently tbc) within days of each other.  

Nintendo and Xbox Gamers will then be free to play all of the wild modes from the original releases on their console of choice, including Daily Grind and the devastatingly tricksy RAD Mode.

Roll7’s Simon Bennett commented, “We’re really glad that Xbox and Nintendo players finally have a version of OlliOlli to call their own. We’ve always seen OlliOlli as a game for everyone and with Curve’s versions, now it totally can be.”. He then pulled off a sick-ass kick flip and rode a nose manual off into the sunset.