Translate witty icons into pop culture legends with Iconic

Did you know, that we can translate icons into words or actions pretty easily these days and if you want to know exactly what I mean by that, simply check out Iconic.

Iconic will present you with 200 puzzles to solve, all you need to do is translate what the icon means and when you are successful you will earn coins. The coins will allow you to purchase hints and remove dud letters from the pool, helping you get the right answer. If you still need some help, you can even ask your facebook friends to help out.

Petr Fodor, co-founder of Flow Studio said "People are now used to visual ‘abbreviations’ of all sorts. We read symbols much faster than text – faster than ever before. With Iconic, we’ve pushed this ‘visual language’ to the extreme and made it beautiful with minimalistic design cues. Iconic is a completely original, ridiculously fun puzzle game for pop culture fiends ready for their next challenge."

The game is out now for iOS and Android devices