Prepare yourself. Winter is coming... no wait, strike that. Sharknado is coming and might be a little hungry. Funko is unveiling the next wave of San Diego Comic Con exclusives, starting with that loveable or at least hungry shark. No word yet on if these guys will make it to our stores post comic con, but if they do I will let you know.

Next up we have two new Thundercats varients, Mumm-Ra is positively glowing with power now and Lion-O is furrier than ever.

Now we come to some cute and sad ones, first off cute. Since the earlier episodes of Game of Thrones, people have always wanted their own Direwolves and now you can with Ghost.

But now its sad time, as the Mystery Mini's are here in memoriam of all the characters you have loved and lost along the way. Presented in black and white, this new series marks your way to remember all the characters from Game of Thrones who met with an early end.