Maxi-Geek April Lootcrate Unboxing

Another month, another lootcrate. This month's theme is Dragons. So have a look at what you get in this months box.

First we get the box, smaller than last months and something inside is rattling away.

Opening it up we see the theme of the Lootcrate on the magazine included in each one, Dragons.

The first item I take out is the Game of Thrones Mystery Mini. Who did I get, check the final picture to see.

Next is something I have not seen before, which is explained on the back as being exclusive to Lootcrate. Much like the Mystery Minis this is a small figure that has some moveable parts. The Nord, as seen in the final image is around to help celebrate the launch of The Elder Scrolls Online.

Next a dice, but not as most people know them. This is a 20 sided die from Dungeons & Dragons, see there is that theme again. However this dice wont do you much good in a game as its a stress dice, well actually it might.

Hark Knight, before you head out on your quest, be sure to equip your Dragons Shield. This item actually sticks to the back of your phone and then you peel it off when you want to clean the screen. Once done stick it back.

I assume these have some reference to something, but I have no clue. they do look cool though.

Ah, Dragon Jerky. Yep thats it for this one.

Finally your monthly badge to say you got the crate and a real 20 sided die, able to be used in a real game of Dungeons & Dragons.

In total not a bad little box. You can see the figures below that were in the boxes.

If you think you might want to give this ago, because you never know what you will get in each crate, click here and sign up for just a month. If you like it you can sign up for longer periods and pay less per month.