Press Release - Introducing the Origin PC and Battlefield 4 Armoured Division Tank‏

Able to withstand a 1 Kiloton nuclear blast at direct impact, the tank’s nuclear filtration systems are even setup to offer to 8 hours of gaming protection from the end of the world scenario.

The Armoured Division Tank will be touring Australia in 2014 offering gamers an opportunity to get hands on with Battlefield 4 and its five themed digital expansion packs including: Battlefield 4 China Rising, Battlefield 4 Second Assault, Battlefield 4 Naval Strike, Battlefield 4 Dragon’s Teeth and Battlefield 4 Final Stand.

Powered by the advanced technology of DICE’s proprietary FrostbiteTM 3 engine,Battlefield 4 delivers the all-out-war and epic moments possible only in Battlefield,letting players wage war across land, air and sea with unparalleled vehicular combat, dynamic environments and a new level of destruction.

For all the news and information around the Battlefield 4 and Origin PC Tank Tour, please visit: or follow us onTwitter® at #BF4Tank.