The multiplayer for Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War has been revealed

The multiplayer for Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War has been revealed

Activision have taken the covers off the multiplayer, that will be part of the Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War experience and things have changed here, in good ways, check out the trailer first.

One of the biggest additions to the game are that of ‘Deniable Operations’, a multiplayer mode which ties back into the story campaign. In Black Ops Cold War, you’ll choose from a selection of skilled Operators hailing from all over the globe, each with their own classified past that ties directly into the game’s larger narrative. That story carries over into Multiplayer, where the narrative continues in the years after the events of the single-player Campaign.

“We know that, to you, combat is more than just pointing and shooting. It’s about how your Operator moves and weaves through the world. It’s how your weapon feels and reacts in your hands. It’s the sound of bullets storming past you, the rattle and bang of your weapon as it fires.” - Tony Flame, Lead Combat Designer

Once you’ve customized your Operator, you’ll be dropping into deniable operations all over the world, fighting your way through the battles that “never happened”: from the cold, contested waters of the North Atlantic, to the searing deserts of Angola, to the neon-soaked streets of Miami’s South Beach. Black Ops Cold War features maps ranging from our signature competitive three-lane map design and original, wide-open combat spaces, to unique large-scale maps that weave infantry and vehicle combat together in explosive new ways.

There is a lot more to discover, like the all new VIP Escort, a 6v6 mode, or Combined Arms an all new 12v12 mode, plus updates to Gunsmith, Scorestreaks and Field Upgrades. To get it direct from the source, hit up the Treyarch Blog, where you can read a lot about the game.

But there is more, an open beta is coming for the game, with those who pre-order the game on PlayStation 4 gaining early access on October 8. Though no date for the fully open has been revealed yet.
