Taking a look at 30 years worth of Jurassic Park Games

Taking a look at 30 years worth of Jurassic Park Games

Those who know me know that there are two movies I consider to be my all time favourites, Who Framed Roger Rabbit and Jurassic Park. I still have vivid memories of seeing Jurassic Park when it debuted in my local cinema and those have stuck with me for 30 years.

While the first is the older of the two, the second has gone beyond just one movie and a few animated shorts with its direct sequels, then the second trilogy and of course loads of games. Jurassic Park is a big deal, not only are there multiple lands in various Universal Studios theme parks around the world, there are also animated shows and we can’t forget the countless toy lines over the years.

As Jurassic Park is now 30 years old, at least the movie as it released around the world in June 1993, I thought it would be fun to take a look at the games that have released, to either coincide with each movie, or just celebrate the series. Just a note, activity games, where it was mostly about colouring in or Facebook titles, slot machine games and others like those, are not going to be included in this list.

The list is broken up into series, with each movie being the pillar that the games are connected by. So let us kick things off and say “Welcome to Jurassic Park”

Jurassic Park


Jurassic Park

Year: 1993 | Platforms: NES, GameBoy

Jurassic Park

Year: 1993 | Platforms: SNES

Jurassic Park

Year: 1993 | Platforms: Mega Drive

Jurassic Park

Year: 1993 | Platforms: Game Gear, Master System

Jurassic Park

Year: 1994 | Platforms: Sega CD

Jurassic Park

Year: 1993 | Platforms: DOS, Amiga

Jurassic Park

Year: 1994 | Platforms: Arcade

Jurassic Park: The Game

Year: 2011 | Platforms: PC, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, OS X, iOS


While the below games are connected to the first Jurassic Park movie, they are either sequels that expand on random elements or reworked titles with new assets.

Jurassic Park 2: The Chaos Continues

Year: 1994 | Platforms: SNES

Jurassic Park: Rampage Edition

Year: 1994 | Platforms: Mega Drive

Jurassic Park Interactive

Year: 1994 | Platforms: 3DO

Jurassic Park: The Ride Adventure Online

Year: 1996 | Platforms: PC


The Lost World: Jurassic Park

The Lost World: Jurassic Park

Year: 1996 | Platforms: PlayStation, Sega Saturn

The Lost World: Jurassic Park

Year: 1997 | Platforms: Mega Drive

The Lost World: Jurassic Park

Year: 1997 | Platforms: GameBoy, Game Gear

Chaos Island: The Lost World

Year: 1997 | Platforms: PC

The Lost World: Jurassic Park

Year: 1997 | Platforms: Arcade


Year: 1998 | Platforms: PC

Warpath: Jurassic Park

Year: 1999 | Platforms: PlayStation


Jurassic Park III

Jurassic Park III: Dino Defender

Year: 2001 | Platforms: PC

Jurassic Park III: Danger Zone!

Year: 2001 | Platforms: PC

Jurassic Park III

Year: 2002 | Platforms: Arcade

Jurassic Park III: The DNA Factor

Year: 2001 | Platforms: Game Boy Advance

Jurassic Park III: Park Builder

Year: 2001 | Platforms: Game Boy Advance

Scan Command: Jurassic Park

Year: 2001 | Platforms: PC

The game was re-released a year later as Jurassic Park: Dinosaur Battles, which removed the scanning aspect and just let you fight

Jurassic Park III: Island Attack

Year: 2002 | Platforms: Game Boy Advance


The following games cover all three movies.

Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis

Year: 2003 | Platforms: PC, PlayStation 2, Xbox

Jurassic Park Institute Tour: Dinosaur Rescue

Year: 2003 | Platforms: Game Boy Advance

Jurassic Park Builder

Year: 2012 | Platforms: PC, iOS, Android

Jurassic Park Arcade

Year: 2015 | Platforms: Arcade

Lego Jurassic World

Year: 2015 | Platforms: Android, iOS, Nintendo 3DS, OS X, PC, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita, Wii U, Xbox 360, Xbox One


Jurassic World

Jurassic World Alive

Year: 2018 | Platforms: Android, iOS

Jurassic World Evolution

Year: 2018 | Platforms: PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One

Jurassic World Evolution: Complete Edition

Year: 2020 | Platforms: Switch


These games are set within the timeframe of the World series, just not tied to any specific film.

Jurassic World Aftermath

Year: 2020 | Platforms: Oculus Quest 2, Nintendo Switch (2022), PlayStation VR2 (2023)

Jurassic World Evolution 2

Year: 2021 | Platforms: PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S


Jurassic Park Series

While technically connected, the below titles are actually just parts of a larger games, that just offer up a little Jurassic flavour.

Universal STudios Theme Park Adventure

Year: 2001 | Platforms: GameCube

Lego Dimensions

Year: 2015 | Platforms: PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Wii U, Xbox 360, Xbox One

Universal Movie Tycoon

Year: 2012 | Platform: iOS


So there we go, 30 years of Jurassic Park videogames. Some of them are still around and titles like Jurassic World Evolution 2 are worth playing if you can. There is a collection on the way, details for it are expected soon, but the series has inspired many titles.

Have you put time into any of the games on this list? Or is there a game that we missed, that should have been included. Well let us know in the comments.