Salt and Sacrifice will expand the world and beyond in 2022

Salt and Sacrifice will expand the world and beyond in 2022

Ska Studios, makers of Salt and Sanctuary, which is out on most platforms today, have announced Salt and Sacrifice, a new game set within the same world, but one that expands on almost everything the previous game offered, check out the reveal trailer below.

While the series has clear inspirations from games like Dark Souls, the developers are expanding it beyond that, including building in online co-op to the series for the first time.

You can actually head to the PlayStation Blog and learn more about the connections to the first game, the plans for this one and the early days of the online experiments.

Salt and Sacrifice will come to PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 in 2022

In addition to the reveal trailer, we also have a lengthy gameplay reveal, which you can check out below.