Outriders is coming to Xbox Game Pass on release day

Outriders is coming to Xbox Game Pass on release day

In a move that is a little surprising, People Can Fly and Square Enix have announced that Outriders will launch into Xbox Game Pass on day one, meaning those with a subscription, will be able to enjoy exploring this new world, at no extra cost. If you have no idea what the game is about, check out this latest video, to get a taste.

Outriders is set in the distant future where players attempt to colonize a planet that they believe to be a new home for humanity. Turns out, the planet doesn’t want them there. Oops. A mysterious storm called the Anomaly burnt out all the tech that’s more advanced than a lightbulb, hyper-evolved the wildlife into ferocious monsters, and colonization efforts broke down into a bitter war of attrition for the last remaining resources available to humanity.

You are an Outrider, re-awoken from cryostasis 30 years after the first landing on Enoch – emerging as an Altered – a being with access to powerful skills and healing abilities. And now you get to flex those skills on the ever-raging battlefield! Create and customize your own Outrider, then use their devastating array of abilities to annihilate your enemy as you embark on the journey to discover the source of a mysterious signal on a dangerous and untamed world.

The best news is that the game is coming to both Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S, so if a friend hasn’t jumped to the next gen yet, or you haven’t, you can see enjoy the game. Even better, it is cross-play supported, so even if your mate is on PC or PlayStation, you can still fight in this new world.