Gwent has a triple pack of expansions to come, the first dealing out this June

Gwent has a triple pack of expansions to come, the first dealing out this June

CD Projekt Red have announced that Gwent players will be in for a trifecta of expansions, all included in the one, as they have announced the Price of Power, a three-pack that will kick off in June, check out the video below for their official explanation.

The first expansion of the Price of Power set — Once Upon A Pyre — will introduce 26 new cards: 4 cards of different rarities per faction and 2 neutrals. New abilities and gameplay mechanics will also be making their way into the game, bringing fresh and powerful synergies to take advantage of in battle.

Once Upon A Pyre will release on June 8th, 2021 on all supported platforms.

You can buy the triple pack today, but it is priced at $80, roughly, so just be wary of that, check your platforms store to see what the exact pricing will be.