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Final Fantasy VII and VIII Remastered are coming to retail

Square Enix have announced that the Final Fantasy twin pack that was previously only available in South East Asia is now headed to Australian stores this December.

When it does, Switch owners will be able to add both Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy VIII Remastered to their collections.

If for some reason you don’t know about either of these games, then check out the official descriptors of them below.

A timeless classic loved by a legion of fans across the globe, Final Fantasy VII is an epic adventure culminating in a battle to decide the fate of the planet which has fallen under the dominion of Shinra Electric Power Company, a sinister corporation monopolizing the world’s energy force. Cloud Strife, a former member of Shinra’s elite SOLDIER unit now turned mercenary, lends his aid to an anti-Shinra resistance group calling themselves Avalanche to fight for the planet. In addition to a powerful and emotional storyline, Final Fantasy VII also includes: 

  • 3x Speed Mode: Play through the game with three times the speed.

  • No Encounters: Players will have the ability to turn battle encounters off to enjoy the storyline uninterrupted. While enemy encounters are turned off, players can still enjoy the story’s event battles.

  • Battle Enhancement Mode

Over 20 years on from the game’s original release, Final Fantasy VIII Remastered breathes new life into the game’s characters and story like never before. With newly rendered visuals, players step into the shoes of SeeD recruit Squall Leonhart and resistance fighter Rinoa Heartilly as they work together to save the world from the military nation of Galbadia. Final Fantasy VIII Remastered features the following boosts to enhance the experience even further: 

  • Battle Assist: The ability to always have maxed out HP and ATB, and trigger Limit Breaks at any time.

  • No Encounters: An enemy encounter option that allows players to enjoy the storyline uninterrupted. While enemy encounters are turned off, players can still enjoy the story’s event battles.

  • 3x Speed Boost: Play through the game with three times the speed.

Finally, if you own a PlayStation 4, you will be happy to know that Final Fantasy VIII Remastered is also getting a retail release on that platform as well.