Luke Henderson

Dragon Age: Absolution will hit Netflix on December 9

Luke Henderson
Dragon Age: Absolution will hit Netflix on December 9

Netflix and Bioware have announced that Dragon Age: Absolution, the animated series that takes place within the world of Dragon Age, will release on December 9. Check out the new trailer for it below.

The series will contain six episodes, their length is not determined, but all six will arrive on the same day. The show has also provided a brief description about it.

“With great power at stake, a group of mages, fighters, and thieves goes head to head against a sinister force possessing a dangerous artifact. Fear. Guilt. Pain. Can Miriam push aside her feelings to complete her mission – or will the trauma looming over her past finally catch up with her Nothing is absolute.”

We also got a new poster for the show, which you can see below.

Below are some stills that were released a while back from it, which shows off some pretty amazing moments, how they play out in the show, we will have to wait and see.