Black Panther will arrive into Marvel's Avengers in the middle of August

Black Panther will arrive into Marvel's Avengers in the middle of August

Square Enix have announced that Marvel’s Avengers will get the big expansion Black Panther – War for Wakanda on August 18th, with a War Table event taking place the day before. This stream offer an extensive look at new trailers and information and should be considered a must-watch for fans interested in learning all there is to know about War for Wakanda.

The story of the free War for Wakanda expansion revolves around King T'Challa, the Black Panther, devoted protector and current ruler of Wakanda. Blindsided by a betrayal and the resulting tragedy, T'Challa finds it difficult to entrust his duty to anyone else, even his sister Shuri, while also confronting those who wish to do Wakanda harm. When arch-villain Klaw's forces threaten Wakanda's safety, T'Challa must take the fight right to them to defend everything and everyone he holds dear.

Players will experience the game’s story and additional missions in the ongoing Avengers Initiative in the lush jungles of Wakanda, an entirely new environment and sole location of the world’s Vibranium. They’ll also get to explore the Royal Palace that overlooks Birnin Zana, known as “The Golden City,” in a new Outpost that contains Shuri’s laboratory, Zawavari’s chambers, and the Wakandan War Room.

The game is out now for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S and PC.
