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A new adventure approaches with Minecraft Legends coming in 2023

During the recent Xbox & Bethesda Showcase, Mojang appeared to present more Minecraft and while Minecraft Dungeons just celebrated two years, this wasn’t connected to that at all. Welcome Minecraft Legends an all-new title that will test players as they seek to defend the Overworld, check out debut trailer for it below.

In Minecraft Legends, players will discover a gentle land, both familiar and mysterious, full of lush biomes and rich resources. But this beautiful land is on the brink of terrible change – the piglin invasion has begun and threatens to corrupt the Overworld. It´s up to the player to make unexpected friends (including some classic mobs you’ll recognize from Minecraft) to form valuable alliances and lead the way into strategic battles against the fierce invaders from the Nether.

The game will have a very exciting campaign that will introduce many surprises for both new and seasoned Minecraft player alike. And for those looking to play with friends, there will be online campaign co-op and competitive multiplayer which we’re looking forward to sharing more on later this year.

While Mojang are over seeing the game, most of the development is being handled by Blackbird Interactive, a studio known for creating some big real time strategy games like Homeworld.

If you want to know more about the game, you can check out the official site. As for when and where you can play it? The game is set to release sometime in 2023 and will be out Xbox, Switch, PC and PlayStation platforms.