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The Messenger is getting features in a new update

After a successful release earlier in the year, Sabotage Studio have been hard at work on a new update for The Messenger and they have released a video to talk about the new features and changes coming, check it out.

The addition of New Game+ will allow players who have already completed the game to start a new save slot with a plus sign next to it that will feature all previously unlocked upgrades, including the windmill shuriken, if you happened to unlock, but will up the ante on difficulty with increased incoming damage and bosses HP. Players will need to have a fully completed save slot (game progression at 100%) in order to access this.

Spiral down into an endless nightmare of difficulty: with New Game+, every subsequent run appends another + to the save filename, further increasing damage taken (soon meaning that players get obliterated in a single hit) and ticks up boss HP even more, creating this organic challenge for players who just can’t get enough of getting their butt kicked.

There is no set date for the release, but it should be soon.