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Ready, Set, Parent - Think of the Children is out now

Surprise Attack Games has announced that Think of the Children is out now for PC, from various digital sellers and tasks players with protecting kids from every possible scenario, that they are likely to find themselves in.

Players will find themselves hauled before the Court for bad parenting, with the Prosecution presenting a series of events that will either condemn or exonerate you: a birthday party at the park, a day at the zoo, a camping trip, an unexpected visit to the Australian Outback and more. But each of these locations proves to be far more dangerous than they sound--even the tamest of environments are filled with deadly hazards.

Support 1-4 players even the most dedicated parent will find that these kids can find dangers you may never have considered. For those that stream, it already has built in Twitch and Mixer integration and with many locations to discover, there is a lot to do.