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Learn all about Assassin's Creed Origins

Ubisoft are promoting Assassin's Creed Origins in a big way this week, because of Gamescom and they have released an incredible amount of screens, character art and concept art for the game. However if that was not enough, we also have a wicked new story trailer as well.

They have even been talking about the world of the game as it is the biggest world ever created for an Assassin’s Creed game, and it’s packed with dynamic things to discover and pursue.

“When we started saying ‘let’s do Ancient Egypt,’ it was going to be [the entire] country,” says Ashraf Ismail, game director of Assassin’s Creed Origins. “Ancient Egypt meant many things for us; it meant cities, but also wilderness, and we wanted to show the diversity of this wilderness. And people, as they play the game and get into hours and hours of it, they’re constantly seeing new stuff from the world and the environment.”

“In terms of the granularity of the details, the experiences that you can have, the things you can run into, the NPCs, the animals, the fauna, it’s much, much more dense,” says Ismail. “This is definitely, in terms of content, the biggest world we’ve ever built. We want the exploration of the world to really be jaw-dropping. We want people to be lost in this world for hours and hours. So the game is quite huge. The world is massive.”

Here are the incredible screens pulled from the game and below them is the artwork. Assassin's Creed Origins is coming out October 27th for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC. The game will support PlayStation 4 Pro at launch and will receive Xbox One X support when it is released on November 7th

Here is the incredible artwork to enjoy, I know I am.