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Obsidian Entertainment reveals Skyforge Orders System with Dev Diary

Obsidian and Allods have released a brand new developer diary that goes into detail on the system, Orders of Aelion.

The developer diary describes how each immortal dweller of Aelion has their own personal order made up of the mortals that worship them for their deeds. Orders are not just for looks, they provide a third of a character’s might, with characters dealing more damage the larger their order. The size of an order, which can grow to be millions of followers large, is reflected in the amount of statues and churches erected in a player’s honor. Some believers called adepts will even do extraordinary deeds in the name of the player such as curing plagues, protecting their realm during invasions by other gods or serving as missionaries of the player’s glory in other realms.

Players looking to amass a group of faithful followers early can sign up for the upcoming Skyforge closed beta at