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At Sundown: Shots in the Dark is out for consoles today

Versus Evil and Mild Beast Games have announced that At Sundown: Shots in the Dark is available now for Switch, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, as well as Steam, after its PC/Discord exclusive time period has passed.

At Sundown: Shots In The Dark is a top down stealth-based arena shooter in which up to 4 players compete in online and local death match games. Players are under the cover of complete darkness and can only see themselves and be seen by their opponents when they shoot, dash, walk into or trigger a light source.

“At Sundown: Shots In The Dark is sure to test even the closest of friendships, the four player party aspect and tense dynamic of using darkness to your advantage really cranks up the fun factor, it’s a testament to a great formula of game design from Mild Beast Games and a great fit for console. It’s definitely one of those rare titles where ‘just one more game’, will be a frequent occurrence.” Said Steve Escalante, Versus Evil General Manager.

With over a dozen weapons and maps, as long as you can see in the dark, you can dominate in the game.