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Overcooked! 2 serves up a new dish today

Team 17 and Ghost Town Games have announced that Overcooked! 2 is out now for Switch, PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4.

The Onion King has risen the Unbread (much to the disappointment of his faithful companion, Kevin) and he has tasked you with defeating them. As the greatest chefs in the land (well, the chefs that happen to be free at the time) you must chop, boil and bake your way through a series of crazy kitchens. Whether you’re serving sushi, pancakes, burritos or burgers, you must do so quickly and all while avoiding obstacles such as fire, collapsing floors, floating work surfaces and cars.

"After the release of the first game we had thousands of messages from fans around the world hungry for more. We're extremely happy to work with Team17 to deliver another serving of Overcooked which builds on the first game in every direction" - Phil Duncan, Ghost Town Games

Work with up to three other players in local and online multiplayer to serve dishes to an insatiable room of diners from a not so regulation kitchen.