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No Man's Sky Sets Up A Solid Foundation

Months after the games release, No Man's Sky today gets its first major update, bring two new game modes as well as new in game items and features.

You can read the complete breakdown of the update on the official site, for the quick version though, read below.

Players can now choose from one of three game modes, Normal offers up the standard experience from the games release, in addition to that Creative mode lets you loose in the world with unlimited resources and for those that want a challenge, Survival will take the difficulty up to an even greater level.

The update also brings base building to the game, allowing players to start building a homestead on a planet of their choosing. Bases are used for shelter and storage, but we’ve also introduced farming crops and you can hire NPCs from Space Stations to research new tech and products for you. Players can teleport back to their base at any time.

Finally, the other large update to the game is that players can now purchase their own freighter, bringing their base with them, no matter where they travel in the galaxy. You can summon the freighter to any planet you happen to be exploring, letting you off load valuable resources and more, you can also customise the freighter, much like the bases on planets.