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Front Page Sports Football Takes the Field Today

Front Page Sports Football is a strategic football sim featuring fully customizable Gameplans drawing from over 2,300 plays. As the manager and coach, it's up to you to scout and draft new talent, analyze your opponents' weaknesses, and develop your players' skillsets on the road to victory.

"The Front Page Sports Football series set the bar for sports sims," said Regis Robin, Lead Game Designer. "We wanted to capture what made the original so amazing, but we also didn't want this to be a remake or an upgrade. We wanted to start fresh. It's easy for a sim to get too bogged down in spreadsheets of stats, or to focus on gimmicks over depth. Front Page Sports Football was made to be accessible to newcomers, but it also contains layers of strategy encompassing entire seasons down to single player attributes for diehard fans."

If you want to purchase the title for yourself, click here